Reading a Minnesota Public Criminal History Record
Person information
Reported Names are the names known at the time of each arrest. This is reported by the arresting agency (i.e., the Controlling Agency).
Reported Dates of Birth are the dates of birth known at the time of each arrest. This is reported by the arresting agency.
Reported convictions and Reported prison bookings
These tables provide summaries of the subject's conviction and prison booking information.
Conviction and prison booking information
Statute reports the number and a brief description of the statute the subject was convicted of violating.
Conviction Level reports the level (e.g., felony, gross misdemeanor, misdemeanor) of a conviction.
Disposition Date reports the date the subject's file was disposed of (i.e., guilty verdict, plea, sentencing).
Court Name reports the court the record was handled by.
Court File Number reports the number assigned by the court for tracking cases.
Controlling Agency reports the criminal justice agency (e.g., police department, sheriff's office, etc.) controlling the arrest or providing arrest information.
Case Number reports the Controlling Agency's number for tracking cases through the criminal justice system.
Custody Agency reports the criminal justice agency (e.g., jail, prison, etc.) in charge of the subject's confinement.
Probation Agency reports the criminal justice agency initially assigned to supervise the subject's probation.
Term reports the length of the sentence or length of probation imposed.
Restitution Amount reports the amount of restitution the subject was required to make.
Fine reports any fine imposed by the court.
Confinement Date reports the date the subject was fingerprinted at the Custody Agency (i.e., prison).
Comments reports additional information about the subject's prison booking.
General Offense Code is part of the charge and modifies or further describes the offenses committed (as described by Statute). It may be included with a charge at the time of arrest but is typically decided by the prosecutor.
Please note the following:
Convictions with a discharge date within the last 15 years are reported below. Convictions older than 15 years are not public records.
Offenders often use aliases, including the names of other people. The name you searched for is a Reported Name.
You cannot assume this record corresponds to the person you searched for. Fingerprint verification is the only way to verify a record belongs to a person.
Minnesota Statute 609A.055, subdivision 3 requires automatic expungement of certain cannabis-related offenses effective Aug. 1, 2023. Qualifying records have been expunged (sealed) in the Criminal History System. In addition, an individual’s record may include cannabis-related offenses that are eligible for review by the Cannabis Expungement Board. The Board will determine whether the offense meets the criteria for resentencing or an order of expungement through the Judicial Branch.
The Clean Slate Act requires automatic expungement (sealing) of certain records from a person’s BCA criminal history, eliminating the need to petition the court for an order sealing the record in most instances. Other criminal history records may still require a petition and court order.The BCA and the Minnesota Judicial Branch are working in partnership to complete programmatic changes on more than 16 million records in the Minnesota Criminal History System to seal records that are eligible for automatic expungement under the Clean Slate Act. Once testing and any required changes are complete, the BCA will provide the records to the Minnesota Judicial Branch, which has 60 days to review the records and identify any that they object to sealing. After that, all remaining eligible records will automatically seal. Progress is being made, but we must take the time to ensure that all records are accurately expunged as required by the Clean Slate Act and that we do not expunge records that must remain available for important public safety purposes. The BCA and the Judicial Branch continue to collaborate as expeditiously as possible to meet the requirements of the law and plan to have an updated timeline in the near future. In the meantime, all records in the BCA Criminal History System contain a notice indicating that criminal history records may contain information that qualifies for automatic expungement under the Clean Slate Act.Individuals who may need copies of their own criminal history records that are eligible for expungement may request the records at any time, including before or after the records are sealed. Copies of expunged (sealed) criminal history records will be provided to the subject of the record upon request. To obtain copies of your own Minnesota criminal history records, submit a data request.